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Advance Your Business with AI/ML and Computer Vision

Leverage the power of AI and visual analytics to transform your business operation.

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Our Services

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What are the Usecases of AI?



Detect Anomalies, Predict Trends, Get Advice with The All-in-One AI Investment Suite

  • Leverage our best AI software to enable AI-powered anomaly detection to identify suspicious activity in real time.
  • Predict market fluctuations and financial trends with intelligent AI solutions, enabling proactive risk mitigation strategies.
  • Integrate AI-powered virtual assistants to offer personalized financial advice and provide tailored solutions to individual needs.
  • Process vast amounts of market data and media sentiments with precision to help your end customers make informed decisions.

Your Holistic AI Solution for Better Care & Personalized Treatment, and 24/7 Support

  • Improve patient care through predictive analytics, personalized treatment plans, and medical image analysis.
  • Empower doctors with AI-driven insights for personalized treatment plans and early diagnosis of diseases.
  • Automate patient scheduling, insurance verification, and other processes for improved efficiency.
  • Integrate AI-powered healthcare virtual assistants to answer patients' questions, provide information, and offer support round the clock, 365 days a year.

Deliver Personalized Experiences, targeted Advertising, AI-Driven Recommendations Your Audience Craves.

  • Recommend content tailored to individual preferences using AI-powered engines, keeping users glued to your platform.
  • Leverage AI to understand viewer preferences and anticipate future content consumption patterns.
  • Analyze user behavior and preferences to understand trends and predict future content performance.
  • Deliver targeted advertising based on user demographics, interests, and behavioral data

Personalize, Support, Protect, Optimize and provide smarter Deliveries and Services with Smart AI Solutions.

  • Personalize product recommendations with AI, driving targeted purchases and boosting revenue.
  • Implement AI-powered chatbots for 24/7 support, resolving inquiries efficiently and improving customer satisfaction.
  • Identify fraudulent transactions in real time, protecting businesses from financial losses.
  • Optimizes delivery routes, warehouse operations, and picking processes, leading to faster and more efficient deliveries.

Embrace adaptive and Personalized Learning Journeys, Grading & Scheduling, all Powered by AI.

  • Free up educators' time for personalized interaction by automating grading, scheduling, and data analysis.
  • Adapt educational content to individual student needs with AI-powered platforms, maximizing learning outcomes.
  • With AI-driven insights and tools, swiftly generates personalized learning materials in accordance with each student's progress.
  • Implement a virtual tutor powered by AI, providing individualized feedback and guidance to students in real time.

Deliver Faster, Smarter, and More Efficiently with 24/7 support through AI-optimized logistic service.

  • Reduce transportation costs by 15% with AI-powered route planning algorithms, ensuring timely deliveries.
  • Predict demand fluctuations and optimize inventory levels with AI-driven forecasting, minimizing disruptions.
  • Utilize AI-powered robots for tasks like sorting, packaging, and inventory management, boosting efficiency and accuracy.
  • Build AI-powered chatbots to answer customer queries about their shipments, providing 24/7 support and reducing the workload on human agents.

Create 20X content for Smarter Targeting & Personalization, Hyper-Targeted Marketing with our AI solutions

  • Identify high-value customer segments with AI, ensuring your marketing efforts reach the right people.
  • Utilize AI algorithms to personalize ad creatives and bidding strategies, maximizing ROI for your campaigns.
  • Predict customer behavior and personalize marketing messages with AI, fostering deeper relationships and driving repeat business.
  • Effortlessly produce diverse content formats, including text, videos, audio, and more, to enhance your brand presence.

Key Benefits


Customized Solutions

We collaborate closely with you to understand your unique challenges and goals, to develop tailored AI/ML models that address your specific needs.


Enhanced Efficiency

Repetitive tasks become a thing of the past. Our top AI software automate solutions to free up your team's valuable time and resources for higher-level pursuits.


Predictive Advantage

Gain valuable foresight into future trends and customer behaviour. Our models analyze historical data to predict potential risks and opportunities, positioning you for proactive action.


Scalability and Adaptability

Built with the future in mind, our AI/ML solutions seamlessly adapt to your evolving business needs, ensuring sustained success.


Transparent and Ethical Development

Committed to responsible practices, we uphold stringent ethical guidelines and maintain transparency throughout the development process.


Dedicated Expertise and Support

Benefit from our team of experienced professionals who provide ongoing support and guidance throughout every stage of the journey.

We’re pleased to share
some of the honors

Don't let cost hold you back. Our industry-leading AI/ML services are within reach.

Let’s Get Started

Tech Stack We Use

Big Data-iconBig Data
Machine Learning-iconMachine Learning

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"I have been working with Brilworks for more than 4 years and could not be happier with the quality of their work and the support provided. The best part is they're always available."

David Velasquez

CEO, Rastrack

“Team Brilworks has been an absolute delight to work with. They were able to take my list of prioritized needs and identify the most pressing ones to solve them quickly and exponentially. ”

Liz Bullen

Founder, Lyfecoin

“Orokii has a special relationship with Brilworks and will continue that relationship because of the brilliant software engineering team the company gives us.”


Founder, Orokii

“I absolutely loving working with the Brilworks team because their communication is top-notch. I really value their partnership, transparency in processes and suggestions that ensure our project comes to fruition. ”


Founder, Tekstride

Because Seeing is

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